City, State, Zipcode, Phone or Ad ID to search...


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Why is the phone number in the ad blurry?

Many other websites use Web Bot to scan BaoNail ads or information such as phone number, address of the store for the purpose of re-posting on their web site or calling junk phone to annoy the advertiser. BaoNail has been implementing many measures to limit or prevent. The conversion of a clear text phone number to a current one is used for this purpose to protect your phone from bot theft.

Why can not I find the ad that I posted?

Normally, all advertised ads will appear in the zipcode, city, state of the store. If your ad can not find your ad, it is likely that the address of the store was incorrectly displayed in the ad, resulting in an incorrect latitude and longitude location, and that the reason for the ad is not showing up properly. . If this happens you need to check the address and also check the map - see if the map is correct. You can manually adjust the address or call and Office BaoNail request to test / edit

My shop is in a small city so the ads will be less visible. What should I do?

BaoNail System automatically arranges ads by region, city, state where your salon is located. But because the nail salon is scattered all over the small cities away from the big city will be disadvantageous advertising for the same fee paid but few viewers. However, the existing mechanism allows you to link ads to many nearby cities and so when viewers in these cities see your ad.

I want my ad to appear in multiple states instead of only in the city, state I listed what should i do?

Normally, your ad will appear when visitors search in city, state that they have needs. For example, if I want to buy stores in Houston, TX then i do not need to go to New York to find it? The system has been designed to easily help customers looking for quick and efficient. However if you need to advertise the services or products to customers everywhere throughout the US rather than local in city / state is still possible for you to do. Surcharge for each state $5 / month / state. Please make a list of states you want your ads and contact the office to ask.

Why limit the number of times the ad moved to top unlike others may move as many times as you like

Currently classified advertising mechanism in the order date. The new ads will appear top and run down over time will make room for the new ad. The limited number of ads on the top transfer for the benefit of the poster is to avoid that some individuals abuse, want their ads are always located to the top and so would be unfair to individuals other . But if you choose for your ad VIP you will be priority 2 times the number of times moved up to the top.

In addition to advertising on the nail, I can post ads on the other?

You can advertise for any content ads provided that it does not violate laws or regulations affecting the interests of BAONAIL.COM and affiliated websites.

I was informed that my ads are put on top of BAONAIL.COM cyclical one or two times per month but I do not see why this month?

From the date 18.03.2015 BaoNail system automatically rerun your ad. If you do not want your ads to run again automatically, please log in and adjust this function or call us for assistance over the phone.

My ads have expired, I want to renew but want to change my old content, what should I do?

You have two ways to make the request to change the content of advertising: *** / You call us for support change the content and then renew the ads online or over the phone. *** / You conduct renewal ads first, then use the PIN has been provided by email, SMS to login to BAONAIL.COM system to change the content later.

I realize there are many options for payment: Creditcard, Check, Money order ... Which option is most reasonable

Because of the convenience of paying by card, 99% of BaoNail customers choose how to pay credit card fees via credit card or via phone. Your ads will run on the day after the payment is completed rather than waiting several days after we receive the check, money order ... via post.

Is BaoNail office open 24/7? After office hours, can I post ads?

BaoNail Office is open 6 days, Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm, Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm, closed Sunday. After this time, BaoNail employees only work offline. All new or renewed ads before 12pm are still processed within 1 hour. After 12 noon, these ads will be processed the next day.

I want to advertise but do not want my store information to appear outside, please ask how to hide this information include: Name, address, phone shop ...

Although we advise you to provide accurate salon information: Name, address, phone number so other individuals accessing BaoNail website can find your salon but if you are worried Someone who bothered you, joking or breaking you, you can completely hide all this information in your ads. Simply by posting your ad or after posting your ad, you can lock the information you do not want.

I never use a credit card online because of concerns about the card information may be stolen. Should I use BaoNail? If I do not use the data card any other way

With over 10 years experience in the field of programming and website security in general and nail industry in particular, we partly understand your concerns. BaoNail's payment system is integrated using 256-bit creditcard encryption technology to ensure absolute security of your card information. If you are still not comfortable with paying online, you can pay by phone or send Money Order, Check to BaoNail office address. We are always concerned about your safety and are committed to ensuring the safety of the information you provide.

I do not know about computers, how do I post ads?

The WebNail system is designed with simple criteria and easy to use for all individuals of all ages. You can follow the instructions to advertise. However, if for any reason you can not do it yourself, please call us during office hours, our staff are available to assist you.

Why do I have to choose AlertNail instead of Other Services or Newspaper?

Newspaper is the first choice for those who need to advertise Need Careers or Sellers. The first site in the US nail community. With the most popular visitors, most well-known visitors, dedicated healthcare staff, 7 days / week, low fee logo and above all the web system. Complete with over 100,000 salon nails throughout the United States. Choosing BaoNail is the best choice.

If I post long-term ads, can I change my ad content later? What should I do?

While your ad is still valid, you may change the ad content as often as you like. You need to log in to your account account using your store phone number and the PIN code provided to you via email, SMS. If you do not receive your PIN, please contact us immediately.

Why, after paying the fee, my ad does not appear immediately, how long do I have to wait for the new ad to appear?

BaoNail web system works under the moderation mechanism before posting. Because of the importance of your ad, we will have to censor, adjust, and re-add content for the full, full mark before appearing on the web. This process usually takes 5-30 minutes during office hours and up to 1 hour after office hours.

Tại sao creditcard của tôi bị charge 2 lần ?

Trong quá trình tự thanh toán phí quảng cáo qua mạng, rất có thể quí vị đã bấm vào nút 'PayNow' nhiều lần mà quí vị đã không biết rằng mỗi lần bấm như vậy thẻ creditcard của quý vị sẽ bị charge tiền. Vì mọi giao dịch qua mạng giữa hệ thống web BaoNail và nhà Bank là hoàn toàn tự động nên rất nhiều khả năng chúng tôi không phát hiện kịp thời để refund lại số tiền này cho quí vị ngay. Nếu quí vị gặp trường hợp này xin hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi ngay để được hoàn lại số tiền đã thanh toán. Hiện tại sự cố này đã được khắc phục .


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