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Bro. Nail and Paper Supply
508 Washington Avenue
Philadelphia, PA



Time: Apr/01/2018 (6 months ago)
The Guys was nice, even though it was the facts that I returned and exchanged for a few times. The guys did it but one of the brother was not so happy with it. He showed a little attitude but I could understand. Unless the policies stated that we can not do it then everything will be cool. Since it is not, we have every right to do so because the product was not so ideal for our shop circumstances after we tried out the products. As it has been written, patience is the virtue. I am not saying that he can not get mad but it is a flaw in doing business. Now I am hesitated to go back there because I am thinking about the outburst of human temperament nature and it is not worth it. I hope the management will somehow able to reached this message and finesse to the perfection of a true entrepreneur. Oh well, for now I need to give it sometimes. Love the guys there. We are not perfect. I hope it will be a mutual comprehension. I am not mad at them at all.

Time: Jun/12/2017 (a year ago)
Love it, great service and good price, definitely make this My supply resources...

Time: Aug/29/2018 (a month ago)
Chỗ này tính thuế. Us Maxim ko tính thuế.

Time: Feb/12/2018 (8 months ago)

Time: Aug/07/2017 (a year ago)

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